Victoria Jess, All Natural Perfumes

I just discovered Victoria Jess Handmade Natural Perfumes a few weeks ago after a reader recommended I try Victoria Mirarchi’s creations. Many thanks to Angie for taking the time to write me about this line, as Victoria’s fragrances are exceptional. They are all handmade with only natural ingredients, many of which are organic. Yes, there are many perfumers using said ingredients, but Victoria definitely has the talent to create beautiful perfumes. My experience of the Victoria Jess line is that each perfume is an ode to jasmine. Jasmine in four very different renditions, but jasmine nevertheless. As a strong admirer of this sultry little blossom, that’s more than fine with me! Today, I will feature Un Fleur de Jasmine.

This Victoria Jess perfume is a stunner. It’s bright and cheery in the opening. Top notes of organic Italian bergamot and organic pink grapefruit give it a citrus kick, but its floral heart presents itself rather quickly. Organic jasmine grandiflorum as well as organic jasmine sambac develop in a very full and sensual manner, especially the sambac. Its spicy tinge gives Un Fleur de Jasmin a flavor that exudes the voluminous jasmine quality we love, but also a departure point which adds piquant interest. Rosewood find itself in the heart as well, which tempers jasmine’s propensity towards extravagance but also plays well with Un Fleur de Jasmin’s very tasteful indolic side.

I thoroughly enjoy every aspect of Un Fleur de Jasmine, but it’s the drydown of this fragrance that really has me captivated. Ultimately it has an ambery base with labdanum, ambrette, and vanilla melding into a gorgeous sweet, musky floral. I am so thrilled that natural perfumers have ambrette in their palette as this little seed provides such a rich base that I find far more satisfying that any synthetic musk I have ever smelled. While Un Fleur de Jasmine is very different from Ayala Moriel Parfums’ Cabaret, ambrette gives both of them the ability to be simultaneously sweet, mildly earthy and entirely musky. Kudos to Victoria for creating such a beautiful and beguiling musky floral.

Un Fleur de Jasmin is available at the Victoria Jess etsy store, $40 for a 2ml atomizer, $65 for a 5ml atomizer, or $85 for a 15ml atomizer.

Posted by ~Trish

Disclosure: A sample of Un Fleur de Jasmin was provided by Victoria Jess. The opinons in this review are my own. I was not financially compensated for this review or any other.


18 thoughts on “Victoria Jess, All Natural Perfumes

    1. Awww, thanks Sharon. I love being an enabler 😉
      You need to come over so I can let you smell some of these new discoveries!
      Oh, and I have a new facial sunscreen to tell you about. I’ll bring a sample of it to your potluck.

  1. I’m not familiar with this perfumer. Thanks for the introduction. I will definitely check out her shop. Un Fleur de Jasmin sounds delicious.

    1. Lisa,
      It’s always a treat to discover new perfumers. And Un Fleur de Jasmine is really special! 🙂

    1. Yay! 🙂 You will have to let me know what you think. So far, Un Fleur de Jasmin is my favorite, but I need to spend more time with the others.

      Thanks for reading!

  2. Thank you so much Trish for the lovely review of Victoria’s beautiful perfume, Une Fleur de Jasmin. It is such a sultry scent, that is very sexy and wearable. I knew when I found Victoria on Etsy, that others needed to know about her gorgeous perfumes. I could not hide her away to myself, it just would not be fair. I fell in love with For Always, a warm and stunning scent that makes me feel beautiful. It has the scent of star gazer lily on my skin, one of my absolute favorite flowers. I love that Victoria is an Etsy seller too. I find that Etsy store owners put so much time and thought into their craft, with great attention to detail. Everything made on Etsy is your own piece of artwork that is delivered to your home in a pretty little package. Such a excellent concept to help support small businesses rather than the giant corporations.

    1. Hi Angie! You are totally right! I’m such an Etsy fan too! It’s so easy to get in contact with the real person behind the product, and they are always helpful and add international shipping for me without overcharging. I would love to know about all botanical perfume makers on Etsy. Maybe somebody could dedicate a treasury to them, or who knows, Trish wants to write a blog post to bring them all together in one place? Or the readers post here about their favourite natural perfume makers on Etsy?

      1. Angie and Tamara,
        I totally agree with you about etsy. It is such a great place to discover artisans from all disciplines. Roxana Villa and Ayala Sender also sell on etsy.
        I plan on seeking out more perfumers on etsy and thank Angie for letting me know about VictoriaJess.

      2. For Etsy sellers that make natural perfumes there so many. These are the one’s I have tried or have been wanting to try, there are more out there that I am not aware of too: I do have a treasury but not with everyone listed on here.
        Victoria Jess, For Strange Women, The Scented Dijann whom Trish indroduced us to recently, Wing and Prayer, Opus oils, JoAnne Bassett, Shasta EsScents, Gabriel’s Aunt, Spa Goddess, Smells and Bells and also last but not least Illuminated Perfume (Roxanna Villa) and Ayala Moriel which the two pioneers of Etsy’s natural perfume market.

          1. Yes Angie! Thank you so much for that. I know several of them, but a few are new to me. I can’t wait to check them out!!


  3. This sounds beautiful. I love jasmine fragrances. I can’t get enough of them. I’ve also been going through a bit of an ambrette phase myself. It’s so creamy! Lately, I’ve been wearing Annick Goutal Musc Nomade and Heeley Iris de Nuit for the ambrette.

    1. Victoria,
      You should definitely give Un Fluer de Jasmine a try. The ambrette drydown is heaven! I too love Heeley Iris de Nuit, it’s gorgeous on a cold and rainy Pacific NW day.


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