Tallulah Jane: Misae & Leotie (+ Giveaway and Discount Code)

The new fragrances by Tallulah Jane are really green. I mean super green. Green because they are made in an eco-friendly manner using only botanical essences, resins and balsams, and they ensure never to use extracts from plants and trees that are considered unsustainable. Their organic and wild crafted oils are in a base of certified organic grape alcohol or jojoba, and are free of parabens, phthalates, and petrochemicals. Tallulah Jane adds even more to their conscientious profile as all of their products are vegan and Leaping Bunny certified cruelty free.

These perfumes are also green because they smell green. The technicolor green that only nature can supply, and there’s plenty of it in both Misae and Leotie. Misae is the greener of the two, as lemongrass and galbanum predominate throughout its evolution. Lemongrass of course is lemony, which is fresh and vivid. It reminds me of verbena, only with less floral sweetness, and more balsamic woodiness.

Geranium is present as well which is floral but in keeping with the green/citrusy theme without dominating the perfume. It bolsters the green aspect of the balsams as the lemongrass slowly fades. Misae includes sandalwood from Vanuatu which is smoky with a buttery smoothness. Elemi which is also an essential oil from wood, adds a slightly peppery note to the mix, and both unfold more boldly as Misae moves into the heart and drydown. Misae is for those perfume lovers who like it really green and loaded with woods, specifically sandalwood.

Leotie, like Misae, starts citrusy and green with notes of yuzu and geranium. But rather than taking a stroll through the sandalwood forest as you do with Misae, Leotie takes you to a garden, teeming with warmed blossoms of lavender and a few beds of roses. The green liveliness makes way for a powdery softness giving Leotie a feminine air as opposed to Misae’s more unisex nature. Cedar is also one of Leotie’s essences, but it’s just a touch. It’s perceptible enough to give some earthiness, but without any hint of hamster cage shavings. Warmth and a vanilla-hay note surface thanks to tonka bean and I’m not sure where the touch of cinnamon comes from, but it adds a bright spiciness which balances well with Leotie’s powdery/floral side.

If you’d like to have a full-size of Misae and Leotie (that have been used gently by me), please leave a comment and I’ll enter you in the giveaway. Just leave a comment telling me which of the two suits your style and you’ll be entered. You get extra entries if you follow Scent Hive on Bloglovin, Twitter, Google Friend Connect, Facebook’s Networked Blogs, or subscribe to Scent Hive. Please let me know in your comment what you did so you get the entries you deserve! We have our winner!

In addition, the lovely folks at Tallulah Jane are offering 15% off all purchases for the month of June. Just use code SCENTHIVE15 at checkout.

Misae and Leotie are available at Tallulah Jane and SpiritBeautyLounge.com. $48 for a 30ml bottle. You can also read my reviews of Tallulah, Gotham and 333.

Posted by ~Trish

StyleCaster has chosen Misae as one of their top nine natural summer scents!

Innocence by Arthur Hacker at ArtMagick.com

Disclosure: Samples from Tallulah Jane were provided for this review. The opinions in this review are my own. I was not financially compensated for this review or any other.


48 thoughts on “Tallulah Jane: Misae & Leotie (+ Giveaway and Discount Code)

  1. These sound interesting- I am curious about the Elemi in Misae. Leotie sounds more like what I am currently in the mood for (what I’m in the mood for is obviously not a constant..:)), though I like the sound of Misae’s woodiness too.

    (I follow you on twitter and facebook..:)

  2. I love green perfumes and the scent of galbanum. I think of the two I wold prefer Leotie because it sounds so soft and floral, although Misae sounds interesting as well.

    I follow you on Twitter, so please put me down for two entries. Have to get up to speed on Facebook:)

    I love reading your posts.


  3. Thanks for the giveaway–both sound like they’re right up my scent alley. I think the Leotie sounds particularly beautiful though…especially when you describe it as green, as well as earthy and “without any hint of hamster cage shavings”. Ha! I love that description.

    I follow you on Twitter and subscribe to your blog!

    1. Jordan,
      Leotie was my fave. Sometimes cedar can be really strong, either in a deep woods way, or the wood shavings way. Leotie isn’t like that at all, it’s just a little earthy, but mostly powdery (at least on me) especially on the drydown.

      Thanks for the follows! That’s 3 for you.


  4. As the original galbanum addict (and I do mean addict), I think Misae would be more my style, although they both sound heavenly, and I’ll try to locate them both! I’m a devoted follower on Google FriendConnect, and maybe I should add Facebook, too?

    At any rate, thanks for a great blog!

    1. Hi T!
      I’ll enter you twice for the drawing, If you end up doing Facebook too, let me know!
      Good luck,

  5. Thanks for the reviews. Both sound nice, but Leotie caught my attention with the mention of lavender. Please enter me in your contest; I subscibe to ScentHive. Thank you!

  6. Oooh Leotie sounds lovely and I love the perfume’s vibrant colour to!

    I am subscribed to scent Hive, Google Friend Connect and Facebook’s Networked Blogs.

    Many thanks

    1. Holly,
      Thank you so much for the follows. That’s 4 entries for you. And Leotie is indeed very pretty.
      Good luck!

  7. Would love to try something lemongrassy- sounds like a wonderful collection. Sign me up for giveaway and happy spring 🙂

    1. Hi Maura!
      I hope you are having a lovely spring. Lemongrass is so refreshing, will be perfect on a muggy summer day 😉

      Thanks for reading and commenting!
      Good luck,

  8. Ooh, these both sound lovely – but I think Misae is calling to me more (I do love green and sandalwood). I’m subscribed to your blog and love to read your reviews – I often dig through the archives to see what you thought of smells that I might want to try. Thanks!

    1. Hey Jess,
      Thanks so much for reading Scent Hive, glad you found me 🙂
      Good luck in the drawing and thanks for the follow. That’s 2 entries for you,

  9. Misae seems to be the one that would float my boat….that mention of geranium gets me. Please enter me to win and thank you for the opportunity. Nancy

  10. I would love to try Misae as I’m a green girl all the way! I’m subscribed to your blog and follow you on Twitter… and JUST added you on facebook =)

    1. Thanks for the reminder Anita! That makes 3 entries…and thanks for the follows 🙂

  11. Leotie sounds so wonderful! Since I found your blog I can`t stop browsing it. I already bought samples of a lot of perfumes that you reviewed (Roxana, Ayala, DSH, Victoria Jess), thank you for inspiring me!
    I added you to my Twitter, facebook, googlefriend connect, Bloglovin, and I subscribed.

    1. I’m so glad you found Scent Hive! You’ll have to tell me what you have really enjoyed from the samples you have received.

      Thank you so much for all of the follows! That’s 6 entries, woo hoo! 😀

      Good luck,

  12. I’m having a big craving for green these day, so I hope you enter me…
    Lovely illustrations to your thoughts and impressions!

    1. Lucy,
      I’d be happy to enter you in the drawing. I’ll give you 3 entries since I know we follow each other on Twitter and FB 🙂

      Thanks for commenting,

  13. I really like green scents and there are notes in each that are very intriguing. Even though I have oodles of uni-sex fragrances and would like to try a more feminine version, I think I would be inclined to try Misae. I like the green aspect in elemi.

    1. J,
      Thanks so much for commenting and good luck in the drawing! I hope you get the chance to smell them both! 🙂

  14. I need my greens! Misae sounds like the green for me, but you’ve intrigued me altogether.
    Thank you for this opportunity.

    1. Yes! Greens are good aren’t they? I love a good green perfume.
      Thanks for entering and good luck!

  15. Misae sounds more suitable for me and I love sandalwood.

    I follow on Twitter (@EVA_n_essence), with Google Friend Connect and I subscribe to Scent Hive by email.

  16. Wow Ria, Thanks so much for all of the follows. That’s fabulous 😀

    That gives you 7 entries. Leotie just might be yours!


  17. Mismae please as I adore sandalwood. I also love love love TJ perfumes! Already following on Twitter too. Thanks bunches.

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